Jumat, 28 April 2017

If Clause Conditional Sentence

  1. Kalau sekarang hujan, motor saya basah
  2. Seandainya nanti saya lulus, saya akan mendapat hadiah
  3. Kalau saja tadi pagi saya sakit perut, maka saya tidak akan kuliah
  4. Seandainya saya burung, saya akan terbang ke langit
  5. Jika kita makan apel satu setiap hari, maka tubuh kita sehat
  6. Seandainya nanti saya pulang cepat, saya akan mampir ke rumahmu
  7. Jika saja dulu saya belajar dengan rajin, maka 6 bulan lagi saya diwisuda
  8. Seandainya saya daun, kamu batangnya
  9. Kalau saja nanti saya menjadi bos, saya akan menikahi kamu
  10. Kalau saja tadi pagi hujan besar, jalan Margonda akan macet

  1. If today were raining, my motorcycle would have been wet (conditional type 0)
  2. If I passed the test, I would get a present (conditional type 2)
  3. If I had stomachache this this morning, I would not have gone to college (conditional type 3)
  4. If I were a bird, I would fly to the sky (conditional type 0)
  5. If we ate an apple a day, our body would be healthy (conditional type 0)
  6. If I would early, I will visit your house (conditional type 1)
  7. If I had studied harder, I would have graduated 6 months later (conditional type 3)
  8. If I were a leaf, you are a trunk (conditional type 0)
  9. If I were a boss, I will marry you (conditional type 0)
  10. If this morning was raining, there would be traffic jam on Margonda street (conditional type 1)

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